Podcast #1 – Welcome to Blue Shell Gamer

Podcast #1 is the First Blue Shell Gamer Podcast! We’ll introduce ourselves, talk about our favorite games, unreasonable beliefs in gaming, and then dive in to current events and their effects on the gaming. The structure is loose, allowing free form discussion and to get our real opinions about topics. At one point, we all forgot we were recording. Below are all the games and topics we discussed with time stamps.

9:24 – Spelunky

10:24 – War of the Monsters

12:04 – Pokemon Blue

12:46 – Dark Souls

14:30 – Wind Waker

16:40 – Destiny 2

20:00 Metroid Fusion

27:00 – Stardew Valley

31:00 – Ars Tech – Gameboy (Link)

34:00 – Borderlands 3

42:00 – Emulation video (Link)